Ahad, 13 Oktober 2013

Rabbit Show

Rabbit Show 

What is a Rabbit Show?
     If it is a Saturday or Sunday, chances are you can find a rabbit show somewhere in the United States. In California alone, there are over 100 rabbit shows each year. Most Rabbit Clubs will schedule two shows on the same day which allows each Rabbit Class to be judged by two separate judges. Rabbit owners will exchange bunny stories, tips, make friends, buy and sell bunnies, compete and improve breeds. Most local shows have several hundred to several thousand rabbits. National conventions usually have more than 10,000.

What rabbits can I show?
     The American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA) encourages the showing of purebred and pedigreed rabbits, but rabbits do not have to be purebred or pedigreed to be shown. A casual show exhibitor can have as much fun in a rabbit show as a serious competitor.

How Are Rabbits Judged?
    The standard for judging rabbits is the "Standard of Perfection," which is published by ARBA. It is revised every 5 years to reflect any changes and new varieties. The Standard of Perfection lists 45 accepted breeds. Each breed has a different point distribution on different parts of the rabbit: The judges use this point system to judge each rabbit. Some breeds ask for the overall body to be short, some breeds want the body to be medium length and some long. The judges must be familiar with each breed to know how to place the rabbits.

Who are the judges?
Only ARBA licensed judges can officiate in an ARBA sanctioned show. Each potential judge has to pass a written test and then apprentice under licensed judges for several shows to be eligible to apply for a license.

What are the prizes?
     There are very few monetary rewards. Most prizes are trophies and ribbons. If the first place rabbit is chosen from at least five rabbits exhibited by three owners, this rabbit wins a "leg." If a rabbit wins three legs in at least three shows judged by at least two different judges, and the rabbit is registered, this rabbit qualifies to apply for a grand champion status from ARBA..

How much are the show entry fees?     Entering a rabbit show is very affordable for an individual or family. The entry fee is typically $3.00 - $4.00 per animal. Most shows are free to attend.

How do I enter a show?     Most rabbit clubs prepare and distribute their catalogs approximately a month before the show. To obtain an entry form, download the show catalog from our home page or contact the show secretary and request one. Complete the entry form by listing each animal you are entering with its ear number, breed, variety, sex and age. Once the form is done, send the form in with the entry fee. Be sure to note the entry deadline date.

What is rabbit showmanship?     It's not always just about the rabbit. Rabbit Showmanship is an important part of showing your rabbit. In showmanship, you compete against other rabbit owners and prove how well you handle and know your rabbit. The procedure should be part of your routine to ensure your herd is healthy and stays healthy.

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